International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was this past week.

It was so timely, as last weekend, only a few days before, I attended my 3rd Bliss Project.  Every year it continues to be next level and I am so beyond grateful for the experiences, and incredible women I’ve met.  For the amazing leaders I’ve been blessed to learn from.  It’s truly a weekend filled with laughter, tears, support, magic, gratitude and BLISS 💜

Where for a few days we are able to let down our walls, and be ourselves.  Be who we truly are without worrying about what others think.  A place in which we can be vulnerable and know we’re helping at least one person in the room.  A space in which we hold each other up through whatever arises.  Where so much love and cheering our sisters on is ever present.

How cool would it be if this were the case in everyday life?  Women building each other up, instead of judging, gossiping, being jealous etc.

So to ALL the women reading this, I honor you and thank you for everything you do for this world 💗🙏🏻✨

Big love,

Depression was My Greatest Gift

I RARELY talk about this…but I know there are people out there who can relate, and need to hear this message.

There was a point in my life when getting through the day was a struggle. I just wanted to curl up in bed all day and cry.  I was secretly dealing with some situational depression.

On the outside I was smiling, but on the inside I was falling apart.  In order to convince myself I was happy, I endlessly scrolled Instagram for anything positive (mostly quotes) that helped prove I was okay, and everything was going to be okay.

Although this was a dark time, it ended up being the catalyst to my journey within.

It taught me that answers don’t come when we’re trying to figure it all out, and that even when things feel messy, a brighter, clearer future is on the other side.  Most importantly it brought positive, inspiring leaders into my life.  Even just a few months later, I was saying yes to mentoring with the women I once admired from my social media scrolling.

If this speaks to you, let me know, because it’s time to break the cycle so you can truly start shining bright.


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